自從台灣確診數單日持續破萬後,萱兒幾乎足不出戶,也因為在上英文寫作課,現在大部分空檔時間都用來練習英文寫作了。PEEL是全球萬用寫作法,能迅速且有架構的傳達作者的想法給讀者,撰寫前須先做好功課真的滿燒腦的,常常寫到懷疑人生XD...萱兒的題目大都與社會議題有關,首篇主題是講述全球政府面對氣候變遷(Climate change)的應對措施。既然都花那麼多時間寫了,想說還是分享出來給有緣人看,若能讓更多人意識到愛護地球的重要性,一切辛苦也就值得了,也歡迎大家不吝賜教,幫助萱兒在未來寫出更好、更有意義的文章。
Is Enough Being Done To Prevent Climate Change?
The weather has increasingly been affected by human activities that are causing global warming and climate change since the Industrial Revolution. Scientists have stated a 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) rise above pre-industrial levels will cause ecological catastrophe. Without drastic actions in the next couple decades, earth will hit the critical threshold. As the world faces climate change, governments have focused on investing money in renewable energy, promoting its use, and enforcing legislation to ban fossil fuels.
Governments talk about investing more money in renewable energy. Multiple countries provide subsidies and funding for research, institutions and private R&D firms to boost innovation and transformative technologies. These are critical components for national decarbonization strategies. Increasing public funding accelerates private support in new technologies, helping organizations to lower the risk and unlock the full potential of the investment. As nations discuss spending more money on sustainable energy, legislators start promoting an environmentally friendly source of power.
Politicians have the ability to promote the use of renewable energy. Aiming to improve broad ecological issues caused by conventional sources, legislators introduced tax incentives to encourage both corporations and individuals. Despite the fact that some technologies are harmful to the planet, non-conventional sources are considered environmentally preferable to traditional ones. An improved tax system for energy efficiency and CO2 reduction stimulated businesses and the general public to switch to alternative resources and significantly ramp down greenhouse gas emissions. Policymakers provide incentives to soften the impacts of prohibiting the discovery and manufacturing of fossil fuels.
Agencies have the right to enforce legislation banning both the exploration and production of fossil fuels. Countries around the world have announced major commitments to significantly cut carbon emissions. Nations develop new regulations against conventional energy. The apparent environmental problems caused by the fossil fuel industry has forced the world to set goals to limit the amount of CO2 emissions by 2030. The new legislation helps prevent ecological problems such as habitat protection and biodiversity, air emissions, soil contamination, polluted marine, freshwater, and groundwater.
While change is happening, it’s too slow. The risk perception of developing new technologies for alternative energy is high and therefore global administrations need to provide financial support to reduce the pressure on corporations and encourage design innovation. The existing tax system must be revised to change people’s behavior and offer enough incentives for clean energy. Over reliance on fossil fuels has taken its toll on human health, environment, and accidents involving it can be deadly. It is the governments’ obligation to call for an end to conventional energy and prevent negative consequences of catastrophic proportions.